Let This Be Not Only an Ending,
But Also a Beginning...
Now serving the Atlanta Metropolitan Area
Based on Dr. Bruce Fisher’s best-selling book Rebuilding: When Your Relationship Ends, the Rebuilding Seminar is a structured 10-week program designed to help YOU live your best life.
Our group classes break everything down into manageable steps – with tools, resources, lessons, activities, and live classes that help you heal the wounds so that you can keep moving forward.
3855 Shallowford Road, Ste 420, Marietta, GA 30062
When you don't know what is going to happen it can leave you in "no-man's land". What we know is that if you do nothing, nothing will change. So, if you want to reconcile then you need to focus on you first. We do that by giving proven tools that will help you understand yourself and your partner better. We also give you a way to take the emotion out of the equation so that you can peacefully and thoughtfully make the right decision and move forward with confidence.
Divorce has been referred to as having a bomb go off in your personal life. Everything is affected. Being with others that are going the same process gives you a network of friends that you can actually talk to. Plus you will get the tools and guidance to release the pain gracefully so that you can turn the page. People in the divorce process often feel very alone and our community of support gives you an instant support network that you can lean on.
Once the papers are signed there is no option other than to move forward. Sometimes the wounds are more obvious to people that have been divorced for months, if not years, to see that the wounds don't heal until they are dealt with. Divorcees often report that they are stuck in the 5 Obstacles to Letting Go.
In fact, a recent study showed that typically people feel WORSE 10 months after their divorce than 2 months after their divorce.
Often people want to be with their "own". They want to feel comfortable sharing and dealing with their healing with others that will understand. It's natural to find a tribe where you feel safe.
In our programs we believe that if we divide people into groups they miss out on perspective. They don't get to hear from the "other side". They reinforce their self limiting beliefs.
So, we encourage groups that unite, rather than divide. Often the right people show up in your class and they are exactly what you need, regardless of how they identify.
Heartbreak affects everyone. If you are human you have thoughts and feelings. You have an identity. You have relationships. These things don't change based on who you are with. We support people of all orientations, beliefs, and choices.
This program isn't about your behaviors, it is about being human. If you can align with that concept then we would love to have you!
Whether your marriage was long or short does not matter. People often say before they start our program, "my life is over", (even people in their 30s).
As you get older your priorities change. It isn't about the kids or what you will do for a career. It is about finding your true worth. It is about learning "what your soul needs". This is a paradigm shift, to be truly, authentically happy - regardless of age.
The Fisher Rebuilding Seminar was first created in the 1980s by Dr. Bruce Fisher. As he worked privately with people he realized that modern therapeutic methods weren't sufficient. So he began studying the issues to understand what people needed and what information and strategies actually worked.
He eventually simplified the issues in 19 steps for people to work through. Then, he organized them into a logical flow that anyone can follow.
The 19 steps can be daunting to people that are overwhelmed. Rest assured that it isn't as hard as it looks. In fact the process can be simplified into 4 major phases.
Our thoughts can create our suffering. Having the right mindset and learning how to shift your thoughts so that you are the victor, not the victim is life changing. When you are in control you are strong and resilient.
Anger, grief, loneliness, shock, anxiety and more are feelings. Yet most people don't really know WHAT they are feeling, nor how what to do with it. When you allow yourself to turn toward your feelings you are more alive and engaged. What you feel is real!
Many people "lose themselves" in their relationships. Then, when the relationship ends they simply don't know who they are. By reconnecting with yourself, maybe for the first time, you become centered and solid. You are authentically you.
The first 3 phases set the foundation for this phase. They are directed inside. The last phase is about your connections with others. You will learn how to build healthy, meaningful and deeply satisfying relationships.
Keira Oseroff Lambert and Rebuilders Atlanta is the official Rebuilding Seminar for the Atlanta Metropolitan Area area. We provide classes and coaching to dramatically accelerate your recovery and provide lifelong tools that will enable to turn the page and start a new chapter on your life that is deeply satisfying.
We are more alike than we are different. We all experience stress. We have all felt anxiety, self-doubt, and shame and we have all needed support for one reason or another at some point. We may know something needs to look different, we just don’t know the path to get there.
No one approach works for everyone and in fact, most of us often benefit from more than one form of therapy. Informed by sound theory, current research, and sound practice, my approach is individualized and based on the unique needs of each client. Together, we figure out the path forward.
Since 1999, I have developed understanding and specialized expertise in areas including trauma, eating disorders, feeding problems among children, as well as in relationships and family dynamics. I bring the culmination of over 20 years of knowledge and experience to each client and family with whom I work.
I am most passionate about working in partnership with my clients, and am dedicated to providing a safe space for people ready to embark on the on the journey of self-discovery and healing. It is one of my greatest privileges to get to do this work – and I look forward to doing it with you.
We’re proud of the group classes and coaching services we’ve provided for all of our clients.
"The Rebuilders workshop was a game changer for me." - Rudi
"I wish I had found the class a lot sooner." - Charlene
"The group experience is absolutely worth its weight in gold." - Karen
"I realized that until I really grieved and let it all out that I couldn't move on, and this program helped me do that." - Erin
"I feel joy again for the first time in several years." - Denise
"I couldn't have done it without Rebuilders" - Peter
You’ve already come a long way. Let’s reach the next level together.
Marietta, GA 30062
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